We at DRD Builders are dedicated to the Health and Safety of all employees, contractors, clients and visitors to the site. We believe accident prevention is achieved through best practice guidelines, the application of sound processes, diligent monitoring of site and behaviour, training and communication.

Every construction site is individually analysed in order to develop a site specific safety plan. This plan allows us to identify, control and monitor the risks of existing and potential hazards.

To complement this plan, an individual on every site is designated to overseeing health and safety tasks such as: site inductions, regular inspections, toolbox meetings, task analysis, and other related procedures.

We are a Licenced Building Practitioner, actively promote Health and Safety on our worksites and are working towards ACC accreditation.

If you would like to view a copy of our health and safety policy please contact us.

Hazardco are our health and safety provider, for more information click on this link.

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